CREATE Graduates Fellows from SFSU
CREATE is thrilled to graduate 38 career-ready candidates to the local CRE industry from CREATE Fellows program hosted at SF State. These students have received 16 hours of curriculum instruction plus numerous additional networking and hands-on opportunities to learn more about the industry and its people.
Additionally, CREATE graduate 9 students from its CREATE 2.0 program — a series of eight (8) workshops designed to give participants (alums of 1.0) a deeper understanding of commercial real estate (CRE) and how value is created. Fellows 2.0 is intended to allow the most serious students to take a deeper dive into a specific property and expand his/her vocabulary and understanding of CRE as an investment choice.
Career Center |
Employers can take advantage of CREATE’s free job bank portal which connects employers and students for entry-level, commercial real estate, related positions and internships. This value-add supports CREATE’s goal of connecting educated and trained students and graduates with local industry employers.
Learn More or Donate
To donate or get more information, visit or contact Tory Brubaker at